Kamis, 21 April 2011

No, I Don't Love You

No, I don't love you,
It's just a little spark in my heart each time you showed up.

No, I don't love you,
Although random thoughts about you always popped out in my mind.

No, I don't love you,
It's just a picture of your face I keep on seeing,
and a sound of your laugh I keep on hearing during my days.

No, I don't love you,
Although somehow, I always dream about you every night.

No, I don't love you.
       I don't (want to) love you.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

The Future is Ahead!

"Where are you going after school?"
Since I was young, many people have asked questions about the future. Well, commonly about what do I want be when I'm grown up, and these questions make me keep wondering and also questioning myself, "what do I want to be in the future? Should I be a doctor? Or an engineer? Or an architect?". This is actually my favourite topic to be discussed.

Why did I take the three professions (doctor, engineer, and architect) as examples? Because many parents in this country --or even maybe in every civilized country in the world-- wanted their children to become one of those, as there is a paradigm in the society that those professions bring a lot of money, which means they're promising a prosperous life in the future. Well actually, this is not so wrong. However, this can affect one's way of thinking that success is only when you are a doctor, engineer, or an architect, which brings a boxed mind, that if you aren't a doctor, nor an engineer, nor an architect, you are not a successful man.

I used to believe in such paradigms, but as I grew older, I started to think, is that true? That if we become a doctor, we will be rich and live a happy life? What if I don't want to be a doctor? What if I cannot treat each patients as the should be? What if I'm scared of the hypodermic needles? What if I cannot understand biology? What if...? What if...? (and the other "what if"s go on..).

Now I have the answer. So simple, that even a preschool student knows it. If you don't want to be a doctor, then just don't. Problem solved, haha. But, is it really that simple?

For someone who doesn't know what they want in their life, doesn't have an ambition, not interested in any subjects, and (think that they) have no special talents, this may turn out not to be that simple. People like this will easily be affected by people around them on deciding which path will they take. These surrounding people could be friends, parents, teachers, and all of people who have a big influence in their life. They really need the advice because they are still blind about the future, or even too scared too imagine how it would be like.

As for me, I've made my decision. I've made a target to achieve, and it would be entering University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine. Wish me luck ;)