Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

An Noble Quest to Reach Financial Independence

Hello everyone!

I know that I've been gone from here since like a trillion years ago, but now I'm determined to go back and start writing, for fun and for earning some extra money. I know that the title of this post is probably a wee bit exaggerated, but I really really want to start that quest right now. Oh anyway, I just want to tell you that I've finally succeeded in applying for medical school, and now I am enrolled as a freshman in Gadjah Mada University, studying medicine. I hope I'll be able to cope with the pressure as being a medical student and finally become a successful doctor, wish me luck!

Okay so, I got to go now, see you next time! Whoever you might be.. :P

A hand kids past a misplaced believer.

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